Friday, 12 July 2019

primarily as a vector of incivility

I totally understand the desire to get fixed, but please consider this. Hysterectomy is the second most commonly performed major surgery in the US, and C section is the first! 65% of ALL women in the US(as of the late 90 have had hysterectomies. In general, doctors agree that your uterus and ovaries aren good for anything but "growing babies and growing cancer," but it just not true! Check out the book "Women Bodies, Women Wisdom" by Christiane Northrup for more info.. G spot vibrator You may also feel like you have to justify your actions to yourself; to convince yourself completely it is okay for you to leave. But it's always okay for anyone to leave a situation or relationship that is unsafe (or any relationship, for that matter). Just by being in something where someone is making you unsafe, you already have all you need to know to justify getting away to get safe.. G spot vibrator G spot vibrator Still, there are reasons for hope as well as cynicism. 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